Free Fall Font Pairings For Commercial Use – Part 3

I still get nostalgic thinking about my first foray into the world of blogging about typography. It was late summer of 2018, and I couldn't wait to share my passion for fonts with the world. I compiled a list of my favorite fall-inspired fonts , crafted a short post, and hit publish, hoping to spread some love to fellow design enthusiasts who, like me, appreciate the art of typography.

Texas Contemporary Art Fair 2018: Nothing to See Here

Half an hour trying to find parking in downtown Houston and another half in the line, and at long last, I made it to the Texas Contemporary Art Fair. A huge line up of people all the way up the escalator for the preview night was a surprise. Apparently, the previous year, when the fair was canceled, made the public eager to get the new art fix.

Luckily, the second floor was strewn with artsy road traffic signs. It made it easier to brave the line. Matched in color to reddish pipes suspended from the ceiling, the sings encompassed bits of love and wisdom and made me pause for a moment.

The Fair floor was dripped with the works of art and installations. Every one was more spectacular and thought-provoking than the next. You could tell it appeared to be an exhibition of all media. It embraced as many forms of art as there are artists. It pulsed with color, ideas and a beautiful crowd milling around.

Laura Rathe Fine Art (Houston | Dallas)


The Walk

Starting off with this intricate floral arrangement inside the frame; that one caught public attention. It has taken me the better part of the evening to get through the crowd to snap a picture.



Signs with the imported words were placed in the hallways. A transitional space that is more valuable than it seems. Need to move on but linger in the middle? Take a look around, the answer is right there in front of you. How cool it could be to actually see those in the public hallways for a change? They could definitely make my day.

The Words

The art of today takes the form of words and neon signs, and the combination of the two tends to be remarkable. 

by Olivia Steele
So, what can we do about ego?  

Maddox's gallery next. 

One of my favorites though was this piece harbored in the corner away from the main area. 

Feminist Art 

Not all images portraying women should be made as replicas of The Birth of Venus and Grande Odalisque. Feminist imagery and artists are instrumental to make the social statements and push for the women's rights.


After The Walk

The resting zone was an oasis of plush chairs. I plopped down in the striped one to rest my feet in style.

With a head full of art, I headed out to the Discovery Green park for its larger than life illuminated spheres installation – moonGARDEN. Multiple spheres strewed throughout the park with the largest sphere reaching 30 feet in diameter.

And don't take my word for it, go and see for yourself everything that Texas Contemporary has to offer each fall in Houston. 


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