Free Fall Font Pairings For Commercial Use – Part 3

I still get nostalgic thinking about my first foray into the world of blogging about typography. It was late summer of 2018, and I couldn't wait to share my passion for fonts with the world. I compiled a list of my favorite fall-inspired fonts , crafted a short post, and hit publish, hoping to spread some love to fellow design enthusiasts who, like me, appreciate the art of typography.

1,600 Colorful Pinwheels Planted Along The Promenade at Discovery Green Look Stunning

Oh, my! Does it feel like spring yet? Besides allergies that are flaring up, weather-wise it's a stretch to say it's spring already. Some days in Houston, it still feels like winter with cold, rain and even more cold. But who can complain when Discovery Green hosts such bright and lovely pinwheels to evoke that feeling-like-spring among Houstonians and tourists.

GUST: Celebrating a Decade of Discovery
The interactive installation of 1,600 colorful pinwheels spins with the use of big fans or simply by the wind. Designed and installed by the design collective Cocolab, this field of green and color is definitely a happy place for every spring-seeking soul.

I've been enamored by the view from the moment I set foot on the Promenade. A jaw-dropping installation in a public space reveal cool things that happen when artists go all out to disturb the ordinary.

Gust is on view through May 28, 2019


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