Moodboard: October

Is there anything more tranquil than the stillness of October in the mountains, where vibrant autumn colors collide with a refreshing crispness in the air? Living in the picturesque Blue Ridge Mountains, I couldn't pass up the chance to create an October mood board capturing stunning fall foliage, whimsical  pumpkins, warm mugs of cider, and breathtaking sunsets that turn the horizon into a canvas of vibrant color!

Moodboard: February

Hello February! Skies are still overcast, temperatures are low, and we still need more than a single layer of clothing to keep us warm and cozy. And even though Punxsutawney Phil drew a round of applause for predicting an early spring this year, chances are the weather will still catch us off guard with a blizzard or two. And while we wait for spring to officially arrive, here is a new mood board for February.


Little Pockets of Unexpected Discoveries

Walking in the woods last week, we spotted the first bright displays of wild daffodils emerging from their winter slumber. What a beautiful sight to see so early in February! It’s as if all nature has begun to whisper, “Hang on. Spring is coming.” And you just know it is. 

I hope this month, you will find your own little pockets of joy and wonder, even if they aren't what you expect them to be, like those fragile daffodils blooming on the bare frozen ground against all odds. And when you come across them, turn them into a mood board too. It's a great source of enjoyment and a good exercise in gratitude.  

In the meantime, enjoy this board and the delicate promise of spring behind it.

Moodboard: February

Photo credits: Unsplash


Mood boards

When trying to describe something as elusive as a mood or feeling, I turn to mood boards – a brain dump of images, typography, color schemes, textures and notes. Working without that first preliminary step is always restrictive. A strong visual board ultimately is the step that will propel the design idea off the ground, helping to visualize the design possibilities with clarity.  

Regardless of the project, the mood board is a fun and a safe tool that allows the artist to shift smoothly from the experimentation to the development stage. To bring the design to life, give it a try.


Get Started

Pinterest is probably the easiest tool out there for you to capture inspiration for mood boards and save those ideas instantly. Evernote and Canva are other great online tools that let you keep all your files organized and always at your fingertips.


More Like This

For more mood board inspiration and color schemes, visit:
Moodboard: December
Moodboard: January
Moodboard: October


As we are fully in February, let love and joy to pave the way and get excited about all things frilly and pink. If you're in the midst of designing for Valentine's Day, here's some inspiration to get your creative juices flowing no matter the project:

Free Valentine’s Day Fonts for Hopeless Romantics 
Free Fonts and Witty Quotes for Ladies to Celebrate Each Other  


It's February. Before you know it the winter season turns to spring, and it will be time for Easter bunnies and chocolate eggs. I'm ready! How about you? Start tackling all your Easter projects now: 

Free Easter Font Pairings For Commercial Use
Free Fonts With Holiday Glyphs

Have fun putting all these posts to good use!

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